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Anxiety - symptoms and solutions!

So we all have dealt with anxiety before. Some people dealt with it for a short period of time, others struggle with it in everyday. I'm one of those people.

In 2015 when I was diagnosed with anxiety , mostly being social anxiety, I decided to educate myself and find methods to cope with it.

Today I'll give you guys some simple methods to deal with any anxiety .

But first , I'll list the symptoms of anxiety here in case you have are in doubt if you have them or not.

Overall Anxiety symptoms: Strong stomach pain, throwing up , bad diahrrea, sweaty palms, dry mouth , shivering and shaking, irregular heartbeat. These are the more common ones - since there are more deppending in which type of anxiety you have.

Now that we know the symptoms , and in case you have these , let's get to business to help it out!

Anxiety is quite subjective since there are many types of anxiety, meaning this methods will deppend on the type you have. However I found these very helpfull during the years!

- Breathing exercises! - By controlling your breathing your brain will get more oxygen and naturally relax. This is very helpfull when you feel your anxiety getting seriously bad, in public situations or even when you feel a panick attack showing up ; *

-Yoga! Namaste! - Yoga has wonderfull benefits for your physical and mental health. I've been practising yoga for 3 months. Since I joined I cut alot on my anxiety pills, my breathing is better, I sleep better at night and overall reduces anxiety. You should give it a try!

- Stress toys! - how many times have we been at school or work and we're feeling anxious? Well here is where stress toys come. There are hundreds of them, is just a matter of preference.

- Apps! - there are many apps out there that are free and do miracles when you're struggling. I recommend apps with calming noises (like rain, wind, rivers, etc) , apps that motivate you everyday (where you write your daily accomplishments and you can see them) or even apps where you can colour, play games , etc that might help you. I find these tip specially important if you have anxiety at night. **

- Psychological help - If you are having anxiety every single day to the point you can't control it with these tips, there is an issue. I recommend you to go to a psychologist to simply be evaluated.

- Doctors appointment - So this comes in the same thought process as the last tip , but in physical health terms. In 2015 I was diagnosed with syndrom of irritable bowel which is connected to extreme bad anxiety. So I had to start taking anxiety pills.

If you have alot of pain in your chest, low side of your stomach, struggle breathing or you have skin problems, please go to your doctor. Many times you can get away with a treatment with pills and later on when you feel better, you can slowly apply some methods I said here.

* - In the future I'll make a post dedicated to this for everyone that wants to see it. I'll show some breathing exercises I learned with yoga and medical help aswell;

** - I'm also planning on making a post about apps like this. So for everyone that struggles with night anxiety, don't worry! Help is coming ! :)

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