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A new journey

Hello everyone. So after a long time (from 15 to 20 years old) I've been on blogspot mostly focousing on my writing. Now is different.

I've decided to move to wix since my boyfriend suggested it and actually I love how clean and professional it is. Is a perfect way for people to read the subjects I'll be exploring here.

I want to warn people the subjects aren't exactly happy , however , I'll be talking about them with a positive attitude.

Here you'll find subjects like:



failure (school, work, etc)

relationships (romantic and others)


self harm


So these aren't the happiest, but if you want to be educated about them, stick around.

I think we all have our inner demons and is perfectly fine to talk about them. In fact I believe is healthy.

What is not healthy is hidding them like they don't exist.

So I made this my job.

Welcome to The Light in the Darkness.

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